spoke to ellis this morning…..was great to catch him and thank him for my beautiful clothes…..

which as i write are beside me in there mustache paper still….

i want to try them all on again before i hang them up….and i love presents lying around for a while….just like suitcases….i hate unpacking immediately.

i watched a movie and then went food shopping…..off to the fishmongers and had to double back for my recipe.

wasn’t much point because they had sold out of calamari by the time i got there.

i could have ordered.

instead i stayed in season and went for mussels from bonnie scotland.

and now i really feel they were the best choice.

i’m cooking moules with ginger, chilli and garlic,frites with fresh hot bread.

i’m not making my own frites (i will next time) or bread.

the supermarket was crazy…..everyone driving dangerously.

walked home along the canel which was lovely, thinking of all i have to be grateful for.

i am going to do lists later of what i’m grateful for in the last ten years, this year and what i wish for next year.

glad i’m staying home it’s what i feel like….and not drinking………………………………………..i’m going for apple juice.

breakfast meet with marie-cybelle this morning.

in the rain and drizzle we met at 9a.m. and went to our old haunt baker and spice but this time the maida vale one as unfortunately the queens park one closed.

haven’t seen marie for a year or over as she has been residing in paris.

she’s loving it….and her french sounds perfect…..so envious…..

her mothers french so she always spoke it but now shes there it’s even better….slang included.

so we caught up….she looks wonderful and well.

i have been invited to paris whenever i like…….which is lovely….and shall go.

probably in springtime!!!!

marie heads  off to new york in july to do a film course…..shes on the writer director path at the moment.

also we have made a date for the electric and sex and the city when it shows in may.

when i got home i got an unexpected card from someone i worked for alot recently….very sweet and a little pressie.

we both love madonna and he sent me a mix c.d..

i was really touched.

he said he missed me and offered again to be a reference for me if i need it.

now dashing off to my new job.

wish my water intake today had been via a yacht but alas it was going to the post office with my mothers present which is practically the size of me…..

i had to put it on the LARGE scale as it was too big for the other two.

then he gave me the news of how much it cost……sixty pounds to send.

he suggested sending the items separately.

so off i went again….with the huge package to get my present from my sister at another post office.

when i got back…in sight of my street…….i saw the postman going round the corner and nearly yelled out to him as i thought he might have my present from alex and ellis.

and guess what…when i got home there it was sitting outside my door from parcel force.

cue HUGE smile.

i ripped it open……loving the mustache wrapping paper…..via there shop and label.

i have tried every item on….

six incredible dresses and one shirt…..label….gertrude pudding…

there sooooo beautiful.

my sister sent me a body scrub mask….that i just used…its fab u lous and some mad i love paris shorty pajamas…..with the eiffel tower on them…which i think are very carrie sex and the city.

as i type i’m wearing them.

also i went back to the post office…..after i repackaged….before the fashion parade in front of my bedroom mirror….

thinking why did i buy my mother such a huge present…

followed my intuition and went to another one near by….and it was sooo much cheaper…..half the price.

super and i insisted on stamps!!!!

finally opened a book in between movies.

the 19th wife.

i have been neglecting my reading of late.

getting milk this morning there was a little girl in front of me with her pram.

obviously a present from santa.

she was besotted!!!!

i remembered when i got a pram…..around eight.

i used it for one day….and never again.

it wasn’t for me….even at that age it had no appeal.

ventured out today for new evergreen for my buddhist set up.

streets quiet…….only saw old ladys going to church and a couple jogging with there baby in a pram.

otherwise everyones getting cosy.

my horoscope for the week say’s i should be having home-alone time……pampering myself and resting.

i’m in rhythm as thats exactly what i’m doing.

woke up early and had a non rushed morning….long bath.

made a few merry christmas phonecalls….more to make.

went to my sat ur day meet…….very small today as everyone is away.

i felt fine and enjoyed being there and not annoyed AT all and felt no need to say how i felt the previous week as i already had at a meet earlier in the week.

i felt happy…….

reminder to focus on gratitide…..it brings more.

after came straight home.

enjoying this down time .

hot chocolate…..chocolate chip cookies from the grocer.

now using all my hobs on my stove top as its good feng shui.

watched two movies.

an american in paris…i’ve always loved gene kelly.

then quantum of solace as i didn’t see it at the movies.

daniel craig is my FAVOURITE bond.


i’ve been cooking and enjoying it.

i always like putting my white apron on.

my stuffing looked strange when i went to stuff the chicken……i was like WHAT is that????…..it had lamb in it.

when i ordered they just mentioned the hazelnut, apricots and thyme.

looked at the label and gave it to my lovely neighbor jill…..too delicious to waste.

apart from eating….

peanut slabs……raspberry yoghurt……and third helpings.

i’ve been relaxing……


i could do this for a couple of days.

candles are lit, smelly and non smelling and I’m on my third movie.

grace kelly in high society…..(and i’m NOT saying i prefer it to the philadelphia story…..)

i’ve been going for the old musicals!!!!

had to go out for my last food shop.

its so quiet….went to my regular stall down portobello for my vegetables and i picked up a few more items.

on the way back bumped into fabiana……dashing home to a cab….and argentina with her family.

have been enjoying not doing…since i got home…..

its heaven!!!

my offer letter arrived today……..wish it was more money…..but i’m going in the right direction.

also my eldest sister has sent me a present….i missed in the post yesterday so will get redelivered next week.

a surprise……and an effort…….at an olive branch on her part.

she’s trying………

i held out for it.

i’m loving being home.

i need it!!!

i’ve been admiring victoria beckham running around in her furs in london and previously new york.

liking her look alot of late!!!

i love fur and my beloved inside out fur coat from portobello market died after many outings this year.

i had to let it go!

i soooooo want another one.

yesterday my day changed completely….i didn’t go for my work meet… i was getting ready and felt so rushed i cancelled and blamed the weather and an imaginary previous engagement.

i went to work and they didn’t need me (or today) so…….i went to a spiritual meet instead which i really enjoyed.

then to the work appointment today.

came home and checked my bank account and there was less money there than should be…..seemed lidgates where charging me for wild smoked salmon to add to my organic chicken……which is wildly out of my budget….right now!!!!

delicious as it is…….farmed smoked salmon this christmas.

i called and they will refund….i’ll still be slightly overdrawn…just a touch so forget the calvin pj.s!!!

when i left yesterday my neighbor had some homemade sweets and a card for me and i got two handmade divine cards from amy and tanya…..who has not been doing her art but gardening instead in brighton.

still creative

i love both cards.

work meet was good…i wore my marc jacobs gumboots as it was still icy and snowy out.

he loved them.

anyways….i’ve got my work gig for now in january.

and it’s local… so good….the one today is shoreditch…a bit far.

and i have decided i need to really set my sights now i have secured something.

so i have had two divine unplanned days off…..which i needed.

everyones saying merry christmas which is sweet.

also i organized my taxes…..which i’m not that great at….

i will get a refund for this year….

and i’m also looking at the last six as i know i overpaid for all of them.

that felt great!

stomped out in the snow last night with my stella boots on.

it was so hard to leave my cozy apartment….i kept hoping my new employer would ring and cancel due to snow.

it was more fun than i thought….

i didn’t have to stay long an hour and a half…just to meet everyone and have a chat.

i bought a pink moleskin notebook to take notes….she was funny she was like thats enough notes for now.

enjoyed my snow walk too although it took about and hour to travel to notting hill in what should be a fifteen minute ride.

i’m off to another work meet……just in case….and then work.

REALLY just want to stay home and watch movies…………soon!!!