walked alot today…my day off but went into work for a croissant and hot chocolate as we got broke into last night….

not nice….also the first time i closed the premises….

maybe i need to put white light around the building too!!!!

got a phonecall from the police regarding my mugging…

there being very sweet and trying all angles to find the mugger…

the policeman keeps checking i’m  alright and keeps saying if i need to talk he’s there..

i keep assuring him i’m alright…

after work walked to portobello to the bank to get cash… avocadoes and my favourite salmon teriyaki salad from the grocer, such a hassle not having access to cash machines till i get my new pin..

on the way a gentleman i saw yesterday and today who say’s good morning to me…turned up again in his car…

beeping the horn…

i ignored him…

i was on the phone, then he follows me and gives me his number…

i threw it in the bin after he’d gone…

men are strange sometimes…

i’m now home and cosy and don’t feel like going out again but may for my buddhist meet..

it’s officially autumn!!!!!!

it so feels it…

i went to my buddhist meet last night and i didn’t enjoy…

then my sat ur day meet this morning..

hot chocolate with talitta after and then i attempted to withdraw cash but couldn’t…

that’s the problem when you get mugged waiting for the new card it’s always such a hazzle going to the bank to withdraw money..

who has the time???

i changed my pin just before i got mugged and it doesn’t work anymore so now i need a new pin..

more days to wait as they send to me..

it’s chunky sweater time…

and cosying up time….

i know who i’d like to cosy up with!

i called my mother this morning we had a bit  of a chat on mothers and daughter’s…i’m very close to my mother…some girls are mummy’s girls i fall into that category…

i want some of my kid photo’s there’s not alot my parents were not great picture takers…

one of my favorite stories is how my mother left me with the neighbour when i was about two to return to work and i got the huff ignored her and wouldn’t eat my food until she relented and gave up work to be with me…

she said  she missed me and knew i wasn’t happy about the arrangement…

amanda came to chant with me this morning…we chanted half and hour…

i’m debating about going to a spiritual meet i feel sort of  like pottering at home..

loving the new job!!!!

i have been relaxing….

putting the heating on for the first time….just for a bit to get cosy it’s not quite cold enough for leaving it on…


sunday’s and then after a long bubble bath my chanel book…

i’m nearing the end…

watching the marc jacobs spring summer 2011 video….

now back to my book!

prada is my church

September 16, 2010


i went into the prada the other day as i rushed for a hair appointment in mayfair just to find that they hadn’t booked me…

pouted a bit…

and then thought…what can i do….

i know go to prada…

it always calms me right down…

the dresses were heaven…

kitten heels to die for…

and oh how i would love one of the coats…

Kitten heel shoes

i also watched the video…which is amazing and watched it again last night…

i feel like our new song is sooooooo in rhythm and miss prada would love it…

i’m going to email it to mark to check out….

went to a spiritual meet later…

and just have to say i am love, love, loving……..

my new job!!!

i cooked for helen barnes and amanda yesterday…..

after a gorgeous dinner cooked by christine the night before in her new home complete with garden…

which we ate in…


my moules went down a treat!!!!

from skye gyngell’s book…..a year in my kitchen,,,

so delicious and i made my own fries….first time and they were super…

followed heston blumenthal’s version..

lots of chit chat and we did a bit of chanting before lunch.

i sang the girls my new song as i’m sticking to marks request of NOT playing to anyone until finished..

was so tempting as i got home on saturday to the finished vocal..

just need to add another bit..

they love it…

amanda said it’s a hit…

i  also found out today i have a job….

i’m sooooooo pleased…it’s local again…even closer and i manifested it in a week….

pretty good…

it suits me…

i actually had a dream on saturday that i was working there and got offered it monday…

very grateful..

always want more money especially for my songs…

but it will come…

lawrence said to write how much i need and the date to finish my song and put it in the kitchen..

i’ll do that tomorrow..

amanda said lawrence ……..is my new guru..

Victoria Beckham Jets Off to NYC for Fashion Week .jpg

i’ve been googling to find out when marc jacobs show is….(monday)

that’s how i got the above quote from andre leon talley…which i thought was REALLY funny..

and i have to say i am LOVING everything miss beckham is running around in of late..

on the way to new york fashion week and while there…

very chic…

on a less jet setty note i have been chanting with adelya (yesterday)

calling my mother..(yesterday)

applying for jobs…

buying fab u lous seasonal vegetables and blackberries from the market after my sat ur day meet today…

moules for lunch tomorrow…i’m cooking…

and flowers for christine as i’m off to hers for dinner tonight to see the home she’s just bought…

a gals dinner of four..

on the way home a man said my flowers were lovely…as lovely as me..

they really are gorgeous…

gotta get ready..

Victoria Beckham Jets Off to NYC for Fashion Week .jpg

i’m so into my singing at the moment…

so it makes me very pleased to see a singer featured in the prada campaign..

i have been busy going for interviews…


getting a ride in a cab through kensington park from helen an amazing older women i met during the tube strike…

she was very glamourous with a chic scarf off to the country from chelsea and offered me a ride..

we got chatting at the bus stop..

catching up with karen who was in town for two days after visiting italy with her family…

they arranged for a drop in at  a gastro pub ..

before they flew back to sydney..there home..

it was really fun..

her husband was so nice…

the perfect host..

i drank a few glasses of rose and left reluctantly as i was having the best time to go off to mayfair for a hair colour…

the interview i had today is local again actually even closer than the previous..

he REALLY liked me…

i’m chanting about  it and healing from my war wounds from mugging…

lawrence said to  imagine white light around me when i go out and i am…

also to send love to myself which i am…

ellis said ……get rid of that bag!!!!

or for that matter your marc jacobs bag if you can help it…

i finished my new job on sat ur day….

got up in the morning and got dressed in ten minutes and raced outside to keeley beeping the horn as we were off to kosen rufu gongkyo (a buddhist thing)

it was great..

after i went for hot chocolate’s with adelya as she has been festival gal for the last few weeks…

all i would get was messages saying….. i’m off to another festival….

we caught up…

on the way home i stopped for the sunday’s and as i turned down the long road to my street i was on the phone…

and the next thing this guy pushed me on the street and is trying to steal my bag…

i put up a struggle but not as good as when it happened before paris…

i let go and off he ran with my bag…

not without leaving me upset with a huge graze  on one arm and i couldn’t walk on one leg from the bruising…

i started crying…

i called the police…

a bystander gave me her number so the police could call her as she got a good look at him…


i was mugged again and so soon after the last time…


i was bratty with the police..a bit…as we drove round in the police car looking for him..

they found my bag and delivered after dusting…

i got everything back except my wallet of course ….

whcih i’m really glad of..

i had a HUGE cry when i got home and rang everyone i mean everyone…

i was so upset…

when i came out of it an hour or so later i felt o.k….

just had a couple of minor tears later…

i couldn’t cook or do anything…

i watched a light rom com and ate hummus, pitta bread and carrot cake..

not much of an appetite…

this morning i got up…

with my dodgy leg and went to the bank to order my new card and get some cash…

then off to the studio to record with mark….

so much fun…

i like him so much!!!

we recorded my vocal so i was in the booth…

loving the loop…i kept wanting him to put me on loop..

he has come up with yet another idea for the song and it’s great…

i have to practice it..

another great working day…

when it right…it’s right….

next it’s putting the drum track in…

so i’m off for my second interview….

rush for the bus to chelsea….get on and there’s a friend  i haven’t seen for a bit..

we chat for a couple of stops..

they get off…

i check my phone and there’s a message apologizing.. he had an emergency and had to reschedule..

no second interview today…

i went all of four stops…

he called me back and was very sweet…

were meeting tuesday instead…

i came home and chanted ……….

so far nothing on the horizon…

there will be…