chanting at mine last night…melody arrived with  daughter rio and her scooter in tow, whilst we chant she makes these crazy noises which i really like a cross between a dolphin and a fox…

well she does it when i lead the chanting…

lisa arrived back in all her holiday bliss..

back from the rainbow festival in spain….

whilst i was making herbal tea for everybody i heard her say…

“…..i spent the whole time naked and in the sun……….”

she said its weird to be wearing clothes again….she didn’t want to put them back on..

although she did in the evening due to cold and underpants for yoga…

some of those positions can be slightly compromising starkers…

when the others left…lisa stayed for a catch up and we did some archangel raphael cards…

she is a joy!!!

i met up with adelya yesterday and mya her new baby just five weeks old……….

who seems very happy in her baby sling and likes getting her head stroked and adelya singing to her…

adelya bought me a birthday lunch and asked  i ????????? about the birth….

sometimes i think thats not such a good idea…

she had a water birth……and when i asked if she screamed alot she said YES with gas and air and she thought she was going to die...

and shouted that out too….

so all very reassuring if your about to have one…NOT!!!

apart from that she is definitely IN LOVE with mya who she describes as very calm and laid back

it was my birthday on tuesday and off i went to the beach, not driving i wish but by fast train……..

i passed my drivers license just before i left australia and never used it….

i was on the train with hot chocolate and british vogue reading about john galliano..

when i stepped off the train SUNSHINE!!!

i went to an artists studio whose work i like and bought some last year…

also this year..

i adore rye east sussex and the beach…

got my bicycle  and rode to the beach….

i stayed till nearly the last train out having dinner and not wanting to leave…

i could stay there for a month at least…happily …

the riots was all anyone was talking about………

they weren’t near me but after watching the news on tuesday morning….

which i NEVER do….i began to wonder if i should attend my tuesday night meet….

i decided to go…….so me and my shorts went to the smallest meeting as everybody stayed home..

i have to admit i felt a bit scared and couldn’t completely relax in the meet..

we all texted each other when we were safe home……. (that’s the girl’s)!!!!

this morning walking home after my run….

i saw two policeman searching on the street a young black man…

and it made me feel sad….

i met my friend beverly for a catch up in a cafe……..

not paris but west london…….!!!!!!!


although i am also enjoying being home….

beverly chants too and it was after i chanted with her before i went to paris that my hour chant became one and half hours in paris…..

inspired by her…and the city…

which has turned into two hours a day since my return which i plan to keep up…

the most i have EVER chanted daily is three hours and it was amazing…

i can feel my life state soaring…already…

it was so nice to see her….

after,  my petite straw bag and i sauntered home…in sweltering heat to put my lipsticks in the fridge…

its that time of year……

today lots of lovely rain…

i went running in the deserted park……in it…

then home to a hot bath and listening to amy winehouse…

i have just finished watching the first disc of pride and prejudice with colin firth in it…

it was the french lady i met coming home who reminded me of that version..

tres romantic!!!

now for the second